Turkey continues to feed stories to media about wanting reconciliation with Israel. It is a reconciliation built on three pillars.
First, appointing an anti-Israel envoy to Israel who has accused Zionism of being racist and accused Israel of massacres. Second, Turkey demands that Israel ruin relations with Greece, Cyprus and the UAE, isolate itself and become dependent on Ankara for energy trade, betraying Israel’s new Gulf and Mediterranean friends. Third, Turkey wants to see Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lose the next election.
This is the “reconciliation” that reads more like a wolf in sheep’s clothing than normal state-to-state relations.
Despite the fact that Turkey has a regime that jails opposition politicians for decades and has made almost all media in Turkey toe the government line, foreign media are still willing to take Ankara’s spin at face value. Instead of questioning regime stories about “reconciliation” with Israel, one after another media outlet has printed this story without even looking at the text of the “reconciliation” that Ankara has proposed to Israel.
The spin continued this week, for the third week in a row, as Ankara keeps talking about better relations with Israel. But it is Ankara’s government, led by the ruling AKP Party, which hosts Hamas terrorists, and which destroyed relations with Israel.
This began around a decade ago when Turkey slammed Israel for the 2009 was in Gaza. Instead of condemning Hamas terror rockets, Ankara blamed Israel. Turkey also then mobilized Muslim Brotherhood-connected activists to sail to Gaza, creating another crisis. (Read More)