Thursday, October 22, 2020

'I trust Trump won't object to legalization of Israeli outposts'

A surprising statement by the chairman of the Republican Party in Israel, Adv. Marc Zell, was made during a tour with the Knesset members of the Land of Israel lobby.

Zell participated today as the guest of honor in the lobby tour of outposts in Gush Etzion, and in a speech he delivered at the Sde Boaz outpost he said:

"Because President Trump has already recognized the legal right of the Jewish people to live and prosper in Judea and Samaria and throughout the land of Israel- these are the lands of the Bible, and millions of Americans are looking at you and get inspiration and courage to continue their way because of what you - what we - are doing here in the Biblical heartland of Israel - 

"And because the President, like every American president before, recognizes the civil rights of every human being wherever they may be-

"And because the president wishes to advance the Trump plan for prosperity and peace in which no person- neither Israeli nor Arab- will be uprooted from his home, and no community will be evacuated - I trust that President Trump will not object to the legalization of Israeli outposts, so that they will have the same status as existing neighborhoods and communities throughout this part of the country and all of Israel, or as villages in their own right."