Sunday, June 14, 2020

Is the future of US Jewry threatened?

The American Jewish community is under attack. During the high point of the riots in the USA, it was reported on Fox News that an African American man in camouflage threatened to harm the predominantly Jewish Diamond District in New York, which led to the police arresting him. This came after a Jewish camera store in Chicago and two Jewish restaurants in the DC area were targeted by the rioters. The windows of Chai Bar were smashed, while the Shouk restaurant was looted and even set on fire.Similarly, the windows of a 200-year-old synagogue were smashed in Richmond and a beautiful piano store in Philadelphia faced the wrath of the rioters, who looted and defaced the musical instruments.

Further to the West, during the recent race riots in America, five synagogues and three Jewish schools were targeted in Los Angeles by rioters who yelled “effing Jews.” One of the synagogues was even defaced with graffiti that read “f_ck Israel” and “Free Palestine.”

A statue of Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who saved thousands of Hungarian Jews from the Nazis, was smeared with anti-Semitic slogans. Jewish owned businesses and buildings were also looted and targeted with anti-Semitic graffiti. PLO flags were spotted in the streets. READ MORE