The campaign focuses on the map the deal presents, in which many Israelis in Judea and Samaria will live in enclaves or very close to the border with "Palestine," exposed to terror attacks by Palestinian Authority Arabs.
In a series of ads, notifications, and video clips, Regavim demonstrates the dramatic change in the lives of Judea and Samaria residents from all regions: The map presented by the White House shows Route 60 included nearly in its entirety in a Palestinian state, so that residents of Kiryat Arba and the Jewish areas of Hevron, which would be annexed to Israel, would be cut off from Jerusalem.
In addition, residents of Gush Etzion who work in Jerusalem would need to travel double the distance in order to reach their jobs in the capital. The Binyamin Regional Council would be split in two, and the connection between West Binyamin and East Binyamin would be severed completely.
In the illustration, which is based on the White House map, the route from Gush Etzion's Neve Daniel, Kiryat Arba, and Ofra would pass through the Palestinian terror state, with the only way to bypass the danger being to double the travel time, which could cost lives in cases where an ambulance is needed.
Despite the fact that Israeli sovereignty would be applied to these areas, the roads to leading to and from them, and their proximity to the border, would place them in great danger.