Friday, February 28, 2020

Israeli woman becomes first patient-to-patient COVID-19 case

Israel's Health Ministry on Friday morning announced the first patient-to-patient cases of COVID-19 in Israel.
The wife of the Israeli who returned from Italy and was diagnosed with COVID-19 has been diagnosed with the disease as well, and transferred for quarantine in Sheba Medical Center.
Earlier, the Health Ministry published a list of the places where the infected Israeli, who lives in Moshav Irus near Rishon Lezion, visited after his return from Italy.
The infected Israeli exposed anyone who was in the following places during the times he was there, including:
- passengers on flight LY381 on February 21, which took off from Israel at 6:00a.m., and passengers on flight LY385 which landed in Israel on February 23 at 4:10p.m.;
- the "Hapirat Ha'adom" (red pirate) toy store in Or Yehuda, on Sunday, February 23 between 6:00-10:00p.m.; on Monday, February 24 between 8:30a.m. and midnight; and on Tuesday, February 25, between 8:30a.m. and midnight;
- at the synagogue on Noga Street in Moshav Irus, on February 24, between the hours of 6:00-7:00a.m.
Anyone who was in these locations less than two meters away from the patient for fifteen minutes or more should immediately quarantine him- or herself for fourteen days and report it via the Health Ministry's website.
On Thursday night, it was reported that 150 IDF soldiers are under house quarantine due to concerns that they contracted coronavirus after returning from a private trip abroad, or meeting with the South Korean delegation which was later found to be infected with COVID-19.
Three hundred additional soldiers who recently spent time in Italy will also be immediately quarantined. The "Witnesses in Uniform" delegations to Poland and other delegations to Europe will be delayed, as will a joint military exercise with European armies. US soldiers who arrived from Italy for the exercise will be returned to their bases.
The Health Ministry has ordered that anyone returning from Italy, China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, Macao, South Korea, and Japan remain in quarantine for 14 days. Willful violation of the quarantine is punishable with up to seven years in prison, while negligent violation of the quarantine is punishable by up to three years in prison.