Saladin - Muslim leader and Sultan of Egypt and Syria who defeated the Christian crusaders and conquered Jerusalem in 1187. Posted text on Fatah’s Facebook page: “Reshare the video. A video of a "Palestinian" (sic., Jordanian) child gets 11 million views, and the YouTube management removed it.”
Fatah supports child soldiers and child martyrdom, boy wants to avenge murderer Abu Laila, “shoot Jews,” “die for Jerusalem”:
Mother: “Amir darling, where are you going?” …
Amir: “Give my farewell to my father; tell him: “Forgive Amir and pray for Amir.”
Mother: “You’ve scared me, where does this path lead?”
Amir: “To Jerusalem.”
Mother: “It is far, my dear Amir.”
Amir: “No, mother; here it is behind the mountain. You go, go.”
Mother: “Who are you going to?”
Amir: “To Martyr Omar Abu Laila (i.e., terrorist, murdered 2) and his comrades. I will shoot the Jews who shot Omar. I will go to Omar’s mother, I will kiss her head. I will tell her: “I am Omar. We are all Omar. We are your children.”
Mother: “The Jews will shoot you, my dear Amir, and you will die.”
Amir: “What’s new, mother? I will die for Jerusalem. It is Jerusalem – doesn’t it deserve that we die for it? It is the Al-Aqsa Mosque – doesn’t it deserve that we die for it? It is the place of Prophet [Muhammad’s] Night Journey – doesn’t it deserve that we die for it?" …
Amir: "This is Jerusalem, O Arabs! For Allah, O Arabs! For Allah, O Arabs! This is Jerusalem, the place of Prophet [Muhammad’s] Night Journey! They have sold Jerusalem! Awaken, O Saladin! They have sold Jerusalem! For Allah!”