Erdogan also changed his plans for Syria and announced that Turkey would not leave the country until foreign countries quit the war-torn state.
Initially, the Turkish dictator claimed he again invaded Rojava, the autonomous Kurdish region along the Syrian Turkish border, as part of his ongoing effort to fight “terrorists”. He now announced he would re-settle one million Syrian Sunni Arab refugees in the so-called safe-zone after his ‘Operation Peace Spring’ drove more than 300.000 Kurds from their homes.
Israel is Erdogan’s favorite punching bag as we know but this week the Turkish tyrant crossed all lines when he told a conference of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation that Israel is “executing and merciless murdering innocent girls, fathers, mothers, elderly people, children and young people on the streets of Palestine.”
While portraying himself as the sole patron of the Palestinian Arabs Erdogan lambasted the West and certain Arab states for encouraging “this brutality of Israel while he called upon his Muslim brothers and sisters to unite and confront the West and conspiracies against Islamic countries.”
The Turkish leader also claimed that because of Turkey’s stance on the Palestinian Arab issue the country had witnessed terror attacks and “economic sabotage” in recent years.
He then tried to portray his government as a victim of loneliness because of “Turkey’s objections against the oppression in al-Quds (Jerusalem) and Palestine.” READ MORE