Friday, November 22, 2019

California Supreme Court: Catholics Must Insure Abortions on Demand Because They Are ‘Medically Necessary’

The California Supreme Court rejected a lawsuit brought by Catholic missionaries that sought to overturn a state mandate that forces them to pay insurance premiums that subsidize abortions.

The Missionary Guadalupanas of the Holy Spirit, an organization of Catholic women, were told in August by a state appeals court that a woman’s choice to have an abortion must be considered “medically necessary,” reported the San Francisco Chronicle.
In 2014, under Democrat Gov. Jerry Brown, California adopted regulations that state, under Obamacare, all voluntary abortions are “basic health care” and “medically necessary” and must be provided by all health insurance plans with no allowance for religious or moral objections.
The missionaries argued that only abortions to save the life of the mother are “medically necessary” and maintained the state unlawfully adopted the new regulations without an opportunity for public comment.
In April, it was discovered that, while the general public was not given an opportunity to comment, Planned Parenthood provided its input.
Internal emails between Planned Parenthood and the California Health and Human Services agency in February 2014 revealed the abortion chain pressured the state agency to force religious groups and churches to cover elective abortions.
Catholic News Agency reported that three churches filed a notice of appeal in federal court that used the emails revealing the discussions between Planned Parenthood and the state health agency as evidence. READ MORE