Thursday, February 28, 2019

IRGC Deputy Commander: We'll cleanse the world of Israel's filth

The Deputy Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps, General Hossein Salami, is threatening Israel yet again.
In a speech that aired on February 19 on IRINN TV, Salami said that Iran's sword has been "drawn out of its sheath" and that Iran has plans to break the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and their allies and “cleanse the world of their filth.”
The speech was translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).
The Iranian commander regularly threatens Israel, having just earlier this month declaredthat, in case of a new war, Israel will be defeated within three days.
MEMRI recently also published a translated version of comments Salami made last November and in which he warned Israel that any new war would lead to its annihilation.
In April of 2018 Salami warned the Jewish state that its military bases were within reach.
In October, he issued a direct threat to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, advising him "practice swimming in the Mediterranean" because he would be forced to abandon his country.