Monday, January 21, 2019

'Iran attempted to send Israel a message with Golan attack'

On Monday morning, IDF Spokesman Brigadier General Ronen Manelis said Iran's attack on northern Israel was a serious escalation in the Islamic republic's attacks on the Jewish state, claiming that the attack was intended to 'send a message' to Israel.
“Iran is exploiting Syria for their own activities,” Manelis said, adding that “yesterday’s shooting [on the Golan] was aimed at civilians and soldiers.”
On Sunday, the IDF's mobile air defense system known as the Iron Dome, intercepted a missile from Syria over Israel's northern Golan Heights, in the Hermon area.
According to Manelis, the attack came from an area not normally used by Iranian forces.
“The missile was fired from a distance of a dozen kilometers from the border (in the Damascus area) in an area which Iranian forces do not operate. The projectile was a standard Iranian-made missile, fired by Iranians and its sole purpose was to hit civilians and soldiers.”
Manlis also claimed, “The Iranians have planned the event for a long time and was aimed at the northern Golan where there are civilians as well as military installations.”
“The Iranians are trying to change the air force’s operational patterns and attempted to convey a message to Israel when they launched the missile at Israel,” the IDF spokesperson said. “They planned the operation for a long time. There is a change in the behavioral pattern of all the factors in the area.”