Saturday, December 15, 2018

ANALYSIS: Did Iran order recent terror attacks against Israelis?

Judea and Samaria, a.k.a. the 'West Bank,' is once again experiencing an uptick in terror attacks by Palestinian Arabs.
This week Arab terrorists not only carried out two deadly drive-by shooting attacks on groups of Israelis near the village of Ofra Sunday evening and Thursday afternoon but also staged a number of stabbing and car ramming attacks on Israeli security personnel in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria.
“A volcano of violence is waiting to erupt in the 'West Bank',” Israeli journalist Anna Ahronheim wrote while repeating the trope blaming high unemployment and a lack of “hope” for the escalating violence.
Citing data released by the Israel Security Agency, or Shin Bet, Ahronheim reported 109 terror attacks in Jerusalem, Samaria, and Judea in October alone compared to 80 in September.
These attacks included the use of improvised explosive devices, arson attacks, fire bombings, car ramming attacks, shootings, and stabbings.
“Incitement in Palestinian media against Israel, including by PA President Mahmoud Abbas, has not helped calm the situation,” according to Ahronheim, who also claimed the economic situation in territories controlled by the Palestinian Authority (PA) has become more difficult since the United States decided to withhold funds for the PA and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).
Indeed, Abbas continues to incite Palestinian Arabs against Israel and has again threatened to cease security cooperation with the Israeli security forces in Judea and Samaria.
On Wednesday Arutz 7 reported that “Abbas would hold a series of urgent diplomatic contacts with Arab and international elements over the next few days in order to spur them to act against the dangerous Israeli escalation that is manifested in incursions into Palestinian Authority cities, continuing the crimes of the settlers and the desecration of the holy places."
The PA furthermore announced it would make "important and decisive decisions if the Israeli incursions and attacks continued in Palestinian Authority cities, but refrained from specifying their nature.” READ MORE