In a series of posts on social media, Rev. Graham—the son of the eminent Billy Graham—underscored the advances of medical science that assure the ability of developed unborn infants to feel pain, as well as noting that the Senate decision places the United States in a notoriously small group of nations that allow abortions beyond 20 weeks, in the company of ruthless atheist dictatorships like China and North Korea.
“This week the Senate was 9 votes short of saving a lot of lives. But the vote finished at 51 for – 46 against the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act that would have banned abortions after 20 weeks in the U.S.,” Graham wrote.
“After the vote, President Donald J. Trump even said, ‘Scientific studies have demonstrated that babies in the womb feel pain at twenty weeks … We must defend those who cannot defend themselves,’” Graham noted.
“I cannot imagine the regret these 46 politicians will one day have when they stand before God, the Creator, and realize the opportunity they had to do good, to do right, but they voted NO to protecting lives,” he said. “They voted against human rights, the right to be born in the first place.” READ MORE