Thursday, November 2, 2017

JUST THE START Madagascar plague outbreak set to last another SIX MONTHS as health officials warn Black Death pandemic could explode

MADAGASCAR'S deadly Black Death outbreak could last another SIX MONTHS - with officials warning the oncoming rainy season could see the pandemic explode.
At least 128 people have been killed and more than 1,300 infected by the deadlier pneumonic strain of the medieval disease.
And while health officials have seen a slight dip in victims, they warned it could explode at any point between now and April.
Tarik Jašarević of the World Health Organisation told The Sun: "We cannot say with certainty that the epidemic has subsided.
"We are about three months into the epidemic season, which goes on until April 2018.
"Even if the recent declining trend is confirmed, we cannot rule out the possibility of further spikes in transmission between now and April 2018.
"The proportion of pneumonic plague – the form which can be transmitted from person to person – is much higher than in the past. "
The Foreign Office recently warned that the deadly outbreak is entering its most dangerous phase.
Its website said that "outbreaks of plague tend to be seasonal and occur mainly during the rainy season."
The African island's wet season officially began today and will last until the end of April.
And because the disease can be spread easily through a cough or sneeze, experts are fearful just one traveller could take the infection with them to Africa's mainland or even nearby Brit honeymoon paradises like Mauritius, the Maldives or the Seychelles.
The Seychelles is currently putting anyone travelling from Madagascar into quarantine on arrival. READ MORE