Thursday, July 13, 2017

'Syria will be able to manufacture ballistic missiles'

The Syrian opposition website Zamanalwsl.netrecently claimed that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is building a facility to manufacture long-range missiles in Wadi Jahannam, between Baniyas and Hama.
However, the MEMRI researchers who translated the articles said it is not clear how accurate they are.
According to the article, the facility meets the standards set by the Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Center (SSRC), which is responsible for deciding the sanctions imposed by the Syrian government "as an agency of the Syrian government, which is responsible for the development and manufacture of non-conventional weapons."
MEMRI researchers translated the main sections of the articles, which said that "the site received exclusive pictures of the SSRC which the Assad government is building in Wadi Jahannam in the rural area of Tartus."
"The new photos support our site's previous report regarding the center where Bashar [Al-Assad] paid a secret visit that was disguised as a public and documented tour of a visit to several homes [of his supporters] in the rural region of Hama," the opposition's site claimed.
"This is a facility for developing and manufacturing long-range and ballistic M600 missiles - which is the secret name that the SSRC gave to them. The facility manufactures missiles according to the Iranian 'Fatah 110' model." READ MORE