Sunday, January 8, 2017

ISIS calls for arson terror

In its monthly magazine Rumiyah, ISIS called on its supporters to Islamic State called upon its supporters and recruits to set fires as a form of terrorism.

The article, which is a sequel to Rumiyah's previous articles on how to carry out stabbing attacks and car rammings, brought Israel's arson intifada as an example of arson terror used successfully.

Rumiyah is published in several languages, including German, Croatian, Russian, English, and Indonesian.

"The whole world witnessed the devastating fires that ravaged Jewish settlements in Palestine, destroying around 700 Jewish homes," the English-language article said. "Irrespective of the motive, this deliberate act of destruction demonstrated the lethality of such an effortless operation.

"With some simple and readily accessible materials (i.e. flammables), one can easily terrorize an entire nation. This is just a quick option for anyone intending to join the just terror campaign.
"Incendiary attacks have played a significant role in modern and guerrilla warfare, as well as in 'lone wolf' terrorism," the article continued, noting previous fires have "demonstrated the lethality of such an effortless operation."

Suggested target areas are factories, forested areas adjacent to residential areas, gas stations, hospitals, schools, places of worship, apartment buildings, and houses, and suggests arson be carried out late at night to "increase the likelihood of killing or severely injuring those inside." READ MORE