Friday, September 25, 2015

Former Algerian Minister: We Need Nuclear Bomb to Drive Out Jews

Algeria should obtain nuclear weapons to "tell the Jews to leave Palestine," a former minister stated this week. 

A clip surfaced on the internet of a speech by Former Algerian Minister of Urban Development and former head of the FLN party Abderrahmane Belayat Sunday, advocating using the nuclear threat to force the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Belayat had been speaking at an event sponsored by Al-Hiwar newspaper under the title "Zionist Violation of Al-Aqsa"; his remarks were translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

"We must obtain nuclear weapons," he urged. "Unless we have nuclear power, nobody will talk to us - not the English, not the Russians, not anybody." 

"When we have nuclear weapons, we will place them in the Tikdja (ski resort) or the Aures Mountains, and we will tell the Jews to leave Palestine."