Monday, July 13, 2015

Ya'alon: After Iran Deal Israel Will Defend Itself

Ahead of an expected final deal on Iran's nuclear program on Monday, which Iran's top negotiator said may be delayed again until after Tuesday, Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon (Likud) warned that Israel will have to "defend itself" after the deal.
"The bottom line is that we're heading for a bad deal, after which we will continue to prepare to defend ourselves on our own power," Ya'alon said at the start of a Monday meeting of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.
"The deal being formed in Vienna will influence our political-security situation more than anything, and as far as we understand it will be signed soon, maybe even in the coming day. Even if there will be improvements at the last moment, this is a bad deal that allows Iran to be on the verge of the nuclear threshold, to be a nuclear threshold state with all that is implied by that."(READ MORE)