Saturday, July 25, 2015

Kerry Has ‘Intense Exchange’ With Jewish Leaders Over Iran Deal

Secretary of State John Kerry had an “intense exchange” when he tried to sell the Iran nuclear deal to skeptical Jewish leaders in New York on Friday.

A day after GOP senators blasted him for getting “fleeced” by Iran, Kerry faced another tough crowd in a closed-door meeting with about 120 Jewish leaders at the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.

“It was very intense exchange, serious exchange,” the group’s vice chairman, Malcolm Hoenlein, told The Post.

Kerry spoke from a podium and fielded pointed questions from a crowd of Israel supporters concerned that the deal could allow Iran to get relief from sanctions while still maintaining some nuclear infrastructure that could threaten Israel.

“There was no acrimony, but there was intensity,” at the event, held at the Stern College for Women in midtown, said Hoenlein. (READ MORE)