Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Iran Deal Is 'Internationally Sponsored Hallucination'

Knesset Speaker MK Yuli Edelstein said Wednesday that the deal struck with Iran signals a Western moral collapse in the face of murderous Islamism, and stressed that Israel must do anything and everything it can to prevent Iran from gaining nuclear weapons.

Speaking at the Knesset's special session in honor of Jabotinsky Day, honoring Zionist founding father Ze'ev Jabotinsky, Edelstein said:

"I regret to say that the agreement signed yesterday with Iran expresses a systemic collapse, a hallucination with international sponsorship. Iran is toying with the West and stating openly its intention to continue its murderous plans even against the ones negotiating with it, and that is why this is a dangerous illusion – not just for Israel but for the world's peace. (READ MORE)