At the onset of 2011 many inside the liberal media applauded the widespread Arab protests. They hypothesized the protesters were merely the by-product of a regional youth bulge tired of tyrannical rule. They credited Internet social network sites like Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter for giving the activists a glimpse at freedom.
(X's in image are 2011 areas of protest)
Simply put, the demonstrators were desperately crying out for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The left-wingers anticipated that a wellspring of Muslim democracies would crop-up across the expansive North African and Middle East regions.
However, by early spring actions taken by repressive regimes in Libya, Syria, Iran, Bahrain, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia quickly silenced these ideologues. These partisan pundits apparently forgot about the countless pages of bloodstained history demonstrating that the Arabs are accustomed to deadly power struggles.
Barely digesting the unsettling events of the Arab Spring, the media’s attention has now been drawn back to the Arab-Israeli conflict, and the genuine possibility of a Mideast Winter War. Presently, Israeli borders are fortified rather than redrawn, Arab arsenals are replenished rather than dismantled, and the prospect for the “Mother of all Mideast Wars” is extremely high.
Mideast peace between the Jews and Palestinians has never been more elusive. Although politically brokered land-swaps for peace-pacts were intended to create unity between Israelis and Palestinians, they have had a reverse effect.

Interestingly, the images included in this article evidence that the majority of Middle East and North African countries plagued by the 2011 Muslim unrest are involved in end time’s Israeli war prophecies.

Conversely, Ezekiel 38-39 describes an “outer ring” confederacy destined to invade Israel in the last days. Ezekiel presents a separate set of invaders than those described in Psalm 83. Additionally, they are driven by a different motive, which is the promise of plunder and great spoil. (Ezekiel 38:1-13)
In a last ditch effort to politically broker a final Arab state called Palestine, U.S. President Barrack Obama showed his Pro-Palestinian trump card. In May, 2011, with his left hand clenched in a seeming show of American solidarity for Israel’s security, Obama snuck his right hand into Prime Minister Netanyahu’s cookie jar, and was caught red-handed attempting to pick-pocket Israel’s most prized possession; their homeland.
Acting as if he possessed the power of God almighty, Obama flaunted the title deed to the Promised Land in front of the Arabs. Immediately, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu set the record straight. On May 24, 2011, before the U.S. Congress, Netanyahu declared that the land in question was not up for grabs. He was addressing the land acquired by Israel in the aftermath of their war victory in 1967. President Obama and much of the international community calls this “disputed” territory, but Israel considers it their heritage according to Genesis 15:18.
Summarily, Netanyahu addressed several additional key points relative to Israeli demands for peace,
1. Jerusalem WILL be the undivided capital of the Jewish State,
2. Millions of Palestinian Refugees WON'T be returning inside Israel,
3. The Palestinians MUST recognize Israel's right to exist as the sovereign Jewish State,
4. The Hamas – Fatah unity agreement MUST be abolished,
5. Palestinian unilateral attempts at Statehood through the United Nations MUST cease,
6. Israel maintains the RIGHT to defensible borders,
7. The Israeli demographic population changes since 1967 MUST be accepted, and
8. Israel WILL monitor Palestinian organizations and operations for national security purposes.
In essence, he put all of Israel’s trump cards on the table and called the Palestinians bluff. His laundry list above hits at the heart of the Palestinian wish list. Every condition is a point of Palestinian contention. To the Palestinians, this was Netanyahu’s declaration of war.
When we consider that Mideast diplomacy has failed, Arabs generally hate Jews, Arab governments have little to no democratic track record, and the Arab protests have primarily occurred in countries listed in end time’s bible prophecies, we can reasonably conclude that the Arab Spring could morph into a Mideast Winter War.