Israel is planning to permanently station a submarine carrying nuclear cruise missiles in the Persian Gulf, the Sunday Times reported on Sunday, May 30, 2010. Israeli submarines have visited the Gulf before, but the decision has now been taken to ensure a permanent presence of at least one of the vessels.
The paper claims that the government has decided to station at least one of three submarines armed with nuclear missiles permanently within striking distance of Iran in the Persian Gulf. Comments posted by Jerusalem Post, JPOST.COM 05/30/2010 11:12
Major General Paul Vallely predicts a summertime Mideast showdown!

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Headlines below from "For Zion Sake Ministries"
Israel's (LARGEST EVER) annual national home front exercise began on Sunday, May 23, 2010 as Hizballah plays up fears in Lebanon that the drill means a conflict might loom with its southern neighbor. The exercise, "Turning Point 4," is due to last five days and be carried out in all parts of the country. During the first three days the drill will involve the Israel Defense Forces' various command centers, the police, emergency services, ministries and other government offices. The exercise, will be broadened on Wednesday to include civilians, with a siren sounded at 11 A.M. throughout the country. Civilians will have to seek cover in shelters or other secure areas. (Haartez 5/23/2010)
"These maneuvers are not new ... they are the sixth of this kind by Israel in five months. Israel is beating the drums of war in the region," Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem said on Sunday, according to the official Syrian news agency SANA.
Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri on Saturday questioned the purpose of the drill, saying that "If Israel wants to talk about peace with the Palestinians, why is it carrying out military maneuvers?" In a bid to allay the fears, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that the drill is "routine" and was planned months ago.

Jones was not talking out of the top of his head, but on the strength of solid US intelligence gathered over months on detailed war plans Iran, Syria, Hizballah and Hamas have drawn up to send five Hizballah brigades sweeping across the border to seize five sectors of Galilee, while also organizing a massive Israeli-Arab uprising against the Jewish state. Hamas would open a second front in the south and in the east. Syria is expected to step in at some stage (DEBKAfile 2/2010 )
"Recent transfers are only the tip of the iceberg" Hizbullah has received hundreds of advanced surface-to-surface missiles from Syria that are capable of targeting Tel Aviv and causing extensive damage to Israel in the event of a future war with the Iranian-backed Shi'ite guerrilla groups, it was recently revealed. Meanwhile, Brig.-Gen. Yossi Baidatz, head of Military Intelligence's Research Division, told the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Tuesday that Syria was unquestionably transferring long-range rockets to Hizbullah, and that the recent reported transfers were just "the tip of the iceberg." (JPost 05/05/2010)
A US Carrier Strike Group headed by the Harry S. Truman sails out of Norfolk, Virginia Friday, May 21, as the first element of a new American military buildup in the Middle East which It will reach peak level of four-to-five aircraft carriers, most stationed opposite Iranian shores, in late July. (DEBKAfile 5/13/2010)

Hizballah and Syria are building a massive fortified wall, running from Rashaya Al-Wadi on the western, Lebanese slopes of Mt. Hermon (85 kilometers southeast of Beirut) in the south, to the Lebanese Beqaa Valley town of Aita el-Foukhar, in the north, debkafile's military sources reveal. (DEBKAfile 5/15/2010)
Symptoms of approaching war proliferate around Israel, Syria and the Lebanese Hizballah this week. After Israel called up its reservists for a major war game, Hizballah accelerated the building of new fortifications in Lebanon... (DEBKAfile 5/13/2010)
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