Sunday, April 4, 2021

Bible Prophecy: The Future War between Israel and Jordan

Article by Bill Salus

You might be wondering what this article headline is all about? Is it even conceivable that Israel and Jordan might go to war again? It sounds impossible because these two countries presently have a peace agreement. However, Jordan is the subject of several UNFULFILLED war prophecies.

These biblical predictions are found in Jeremiah 49, Zephaniah 2, Isaiah 11, Ezekiel 25, Obadiah 1, Psalm 83, Amos 1-2 and elsewhere. An important question is, “are these assorted Jordanian prophecies all part of the greater Psalm 83 Arab war prophecy, or are they independent from it?” Psalm 83:6-8 clearly identifies Jordan as a member of the Arab coalition that seeks to destroy Israel. This article, which is taken from my book called, The NOW Prophecies, will primarily explore Jeremiah 49:1-6 and secondarily explain the other Jordan related prophecies referenced above.

Formerly called Transjordan, the country was renamed Jordan in 1946. However, in ancient times northern Jordan was known as Ammon, central Jordan was called Moab and southern Jordan was referred to as Edom. Presently, Jordan has a fragile peace treaty with Israel, however this peace treaty is temporary and nowhere to be found in the Jordanian related prophecies listed above. (Read Article)