Friday, June 2, 2017

Palestinian statehood is a grave threat to Saudi Arabia

Introducing President Trump to the assembled 50 Muslim/Sunni Presidents on May 21, 2017, King Salman of Saudi Arabia spent 8 pages of text excoriating the “Iranian Regime and its affiliated organizations such as Hezbollah and the Houtis, as well as ISIS (Daesh) and Al-Qaeda” for “attempts to exploit Islam as a cover for political purposes that fuel hatred, extremism, terrorism, and religious and sectarian conflicts.”
The Saudis have realized that the Iranian knife is at the Saudi and Sunni jugular vein. The Saudis need all the military help they can get and have finally come to understand how militarily vital Israel’s existence is to the safety of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Pundits have claimed Israel needs to create a Palestinian State in order for the Saudis to allow the Israelis help protect them from Iran. That is nonsense. Israel is only valuable to Saudi Arabia and the Sunni Muslims as a military superman and if Israel is pushed back to the 1967 Auschwitz borders, Israel won’t be militarily capable of defending itself, let alone defending Saudi Arabia.
How dangerous is a 'West Bank' State is to Saudi Arabia and all the Sunni Muslim countries? READ MORE