Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Hamas criticizes Israel for killing terrorists

The Hamas terrorist organization is continuing to encourage Palestinian Arabs to carry out terrorist attacks against Israel, but is also criticizing Israel for killing terrorists who harmed Israelis.

In recent days, the organization has distributed video guides on how to kill Jews by stabbing them, and educating the younger generation in schools and summer camps on the ethos of violence and terror aimed to kill the Jews in “Palestine”.

But at the same time, Hamas's official newspaperPalestine on Tuesday published an article written by Dr. Ali Ma'ali, who claims that Israel could have arrested Palestinians who carry out attacks instead of killing them.

In an article entitled "The Hawara checkpoint (south of Shechem) - area of ​​execution," Dr. Ma'ali wrote that “boys and girls, young in age, were executed in cold blood at checkpoints in the West Bank, including the Hawara checkpoint, which is known among the Palestinians as the checkpoint of death and the most cursed checkpoint.”

“The execution crimes committed by the soldiers of the occupation at checkpoints contradict the principle of necessity and distinction, and one could easily arrest a girl or a boy who waved scissors at a checkpoint,” he added.