Thursday, September 30, 2010

Jeremiah to today's Israel: No 2-State Solution!

By Bill Salus

Presently, there is an unprecedented push for peace in the Mideast. President Obama, Quartet point man Tony Blair, Pope Benedict XVI, along with a significant host of other powerful Mideast and world leaders, clamor once and for all for a two-state solution. They have heightened concern that the writing is on the 403-mile partition wall currently protecting Israeli's from Palestinian terror that a Middle East war is imminent.

As the clock rapidly ticks toward what will likely be the prophetic Psalm 83 showdown, Israel circles the wagons in preparation for a multi-front confederate conflict with its ancient enemies, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu loosens his grip from the thorny Obama olive branch of "Direct Talks" with the Palestinians, and "Engagement" with Iran.

Currently, the international prescription for two states comprised of Jews and Palestinians living autonomously and peacefully side by side requires Israel to destroy outposts, freeze settlements, forfeit land acquired after 1967, divide Jerusalem and allow Palestinian refugees to homestead the Holy Land. These refugees number in the millions, cannot obtain citizenship in most of the surrounding Arab nations, and represent a second-generation population that hates and blames the Jews for their impoverished existence. The ploy of Israel's enemies has been to banner the plight of these Palestinians as the justification for Islamic jihad against Israel and her supporters.

It is quite apparent that the world has become empathetic to the Palestinian plight but apathetic to God's foreign policy contained in Genesis 12:3 and the one-state solution prescribed in Jeremiah 12:14-17. Genesis 12:3 bestows blessings upon those that bless the Israeli descendants of Abraham but conversely must curse those populations that oppose them. Jeremiah 12:15-17 follows stride by declaring that God would have compassion on the pro-Israel populations, but "will utterly pluck up and destroy" Israel's neighbors who fail to operate in compliance with God's roadmap for peace.

God's peace plan

The Bible foretold in Isaiah 11:11, Ezekiel 36:22-24, 37:12, Deuteronomy 30:3-5 and elsewhere of a time when the Jews would be brought back into the Promised Land from the nations of the world. This regathering began on May 14, 1948, and is ongoing today. Possessing omniscient foresight, God foreknew that an Arab-Israeli conflict would erupt as a result.

Jeremiah 12:14-17 tells us that as the time drew near for the return of the Jews into Israel the landscape of the Middle East would undergo a geopolitical facelift as God intended to restore Arabs, Persians and Jews back into the historical homes of their ancestral heritages. After the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1917, we see this turn of geopolitical events take place as one by one the Arab, Persian and Jewish States emerged.

Afghanistan 1919

Egypt 1922

Saudi Arabia & Iraq 1932

Iran 1935

Lebanon 1943

Syria & Jordan 1946

Israel 1948

Jeremiah's passages make it clear that God would import the Jews into Israel and export the Arabs and Persians out of Israel when the time came for the implementation of God's one-state solution. Jeremiah 12:14 refers to the Arab and Persian populations as "My evil neighbors who touch the inheritance which I have caused My people Israel to inherit," alluding to the Promised Land given to the Jewish Patriarch Abraham in Genesis 15:18. As stated prior, God intended to have compassion on those populations that would operate in compliance with His divine plan.

As I point out in my book, "Isralestine the Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East," many predominately Islamic populations will fail to comply. These nations and/or terrorist entities are described in Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 and include but are not limited to: Palestinians, Syrians, Hezbollah, Hamas, Iranians, Lebanese, Jordanians, Saudis, Egyptians, Libyans and Turks.

The Saudi peace plan

For even your brothers, the house of your father, Even they have dealt treacherously with you; Yes, they have called a multitude after you. Do not believe them, Even though they speak smooth words to you. (Jeremiah 12:6; NKJV)

In the above passage Jeremiah appears to issue a stern warning to the modern-day state of Israel not to believe the smooth words of the descendants of their ancestral brothers. Without going into a detailed Bible study, the abbreviated interpretation is likely as follows:

The subjects of the prophecy for the most part are the Jews, Saudis and Palestinians. The "brothers" of the Jews from the "house of" their Hebrew fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were Ishmael and Esau. Ishmael was the half brother of Isaac, and Esau was the twin brother of Jacob. Jacob was renamed Israel in Genesis 32:28, and Esau was also referred to as Edom in Genesis 36:1, 9. Both Ishmael in Genesis 21:18 and Esau in Genesis 25:23 were promised to father nations. Ishmael is generally associated today with Saudi Arabia, and Esau with the Palestinians. ("Isralestine" details who the Palestinians are today).

The "multitude" formed by the "brothers" Ishmael and Edom is most likely the confederacy tabled below contained in Psalm 83 that ultimately seeks to destroy the modern-day Jewish state, "that the name Israel be remembered no more" (Psalm 83:4).

The "smooth words" are deceptive and the Jews are cautioned not to trust them. They are likely penned in the Saudi Mideast peace plan initiated at the Beirut Summit of the Arab League in March of 2002. This Saudi peace initiative calls for a two-state solution that embraces and strongly favors the Palestinian plight. In a nutshell it requires Israel to withdraw from the territories acquired in the aftermath of the "Six-Day" war in June of 1967 to provide for the establishment of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. Furthermore, it calls for the return of millions of Palestinian refugees into Israel. In return, Arab states, like those listed in Psalm 83, would establish normal relations with Israel.

Sounds pretty smooth on the surface, but in application it puts Israel in harm's way. Surrendering land like the Golan Heights would compromise Israel's security from external attacks, and assimilating refugees who hate Israel would subject the Jewish state to terrorism and turmoil from within. The bottom line is that the Arabs don't want peace with the Jews; they want another Arab state called Palestine and they feel the only way to ultimately achieve this goal is to destroy modern-day Israel. The Saudi two-state solution puts the enemies of Israel one step closer to the kill.

Jeremiah appears to be warning his descendant Jewish brothers and sisters of today to Say NO to the Saudi two-state solution!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


OCTOBER 1-3, 2010 - Believers in Grace
Cedar Rapids, Iowa (Pastor Bill Randles)
Click here for information

OCTOBER 23-24, 2010– Big Bear Baptist
Click here for more information


Dr. David Reagan, Al Gist, Bill Salus, & Dr. Jobe Martin

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If you have any questions about the above contact Prophecy Depot at 800-472-5335 or email

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Smoking the Mideast Peace Pipe in Washington

By Bill Salus

As Hurricane Earl barrels down on the East Coast reminding Americans God’s foreign policy of Genesis 12:3 is still effectually intact, smoke signals are hovering over 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Several Mideast leaders have converged upon Washington to discuss the prospects of "Direct Talks" for peace. President Obama, who pollsters suggest may be losing Democratic control of the House and possibly the Senate come November, 2010, wants a signed peace – pact between Israel and the Palestinians.

Although this peace – pact concept hints of the biblical false covenant prophesied in Daniel 9:27, it presents different time tables that dismiss it from having prophetic implications. However, this round of peace talks may prove to be prophetically critical. Rumors of war in the Middle East have risen to an unprecedented level. One wrong move could send potent missiles flying in multiple directions.

President Obama has invited a cast of moderate leaders to encourage “Direct Talks” toward Middle East Peace. They include Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, former Prime Minister Tony Blair of the UK, King Abdullah II of Jordan, President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, and President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas. Together they plan to construct a one to ten - year path to Mideast peace.

Although this is an interesting crew of leaders, what’s intriguing is the fact that Israel’s more threatening enemies aren’t participating. The leadership of Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Hezbollah, and Hamas, who have bonafide war pacts in place against Israel, are still up to their wartime antics back in the Holy Land. In fact Hamas, the democratically elected leadership of the Palestinians since January, 2006, has vowed to disrupt direct peace talks.

The primary prohibitive obstacles to this round of peace talks are:

1. they don’t include Israel’s primary enemies, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Lebanon and Hamas,
2. they won’t sufficiently address the religious ramifications of Jerusalem’s sovereignty,
3. they won’t resolve the resettlement crisis of the Palestinian Refugees,
4. they will require the forfeiture of Promised Land presently under Israeli control, a pivotal matter Israel will likely oppose, and
5. they don’t integrate the prophetic word of God.

The Bible prophetically addresses all of the above. Regarding Israel’s primary enemies, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Hezbollah, and Hamas, these nations and / or terrorist turned political organizations are involved in the end time wars of Ezekiel 38 & 39, Isaiah 17:1, and Psalm 83. Iran comes against Israel in Ezekiel 38, Syria is involved in Isaiah 17:1, and Syria, Lebanon, Hezbollah, and Hamas confederate against Israel in Psalm 83. At some point soon these wars will occur nullifying any present peace proposals attempting to further the Mideast peace process along.

Regarding Jerusalem, most Bible translations reference Jerusalem at least 764 times and in most cases promote it as the holy city of Israel. Daniel 9:24-27 calls it the holy city of the Jewish people and predicts a third Jewish Temple will someday be constructed there. That day appears to be near. Presently, temple instruments are being constructed, priests are being prepared, and blueprints are being drafted toward this end.

The Palestinian Refugee crisis exists in breach of God’s Roadmap Plan of Jeremiah 12:14-17. This plan required resettlement of the Arabs occupying Israel at the time of the worldwide regathering of the Jews in 1948 to present back into the ancient homelands of their ancestors. At the time the land was called Palestine and the Arabs dwelling there became refugees as the result of the Arab – Israeli War of Independence. Presently, there are millions of these refugees caught in the geopolitical crossfire between Israel and the bordering Arab States. Israel seeks their resettlement into the Arab States and the Arab States press for the refugee’s right to return into Israel proper.

The Promised Land matter dates back 4,000 years ago to Genesis 15:18. Land between the Nile River of Egypt and the Euphrates River of Iraq and Syria was promised to the Israeli patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. According to the Bible this is Jewish land. Additionally, scriptures in Jeremiah 49:1-2, Obadiah 1:19-20, and Isaiah 19:16-18 declare that Israel will capture portions of these lands that are presently possessed by Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Hamas, and the Palestinians. All of these are grouped together in the Arab confederacy of Psalm 83:6-8.

Most importantly, the prophetic word of God is not being considered amongst all the parties assembling in Washington. Apart from the slight possibility that Benjamin Netanyahu might have some basic biblical awareness of the prophetic brevity of the matter, it is highly doubtful that any of the other leaders, including Barack Obama and Tony Blair, have any wisdom regarding God’s foreign policy of Genesis 12:3 or any of the other biblical precepts above.

Genesis 12:3 teaches that Israel is to be blessed rather than cursed. It promises benevolence to the parties that bless Israel. Conversely, cursings await those who oppose or oppress biblical Israel. Forcing Israel to trade Promised Land inclusive of Jerusalem, for a prospective peace with the Palestinians, can in no way be construed as blessing the Jewish State. It proposes the shrinkage, rather than expansion, of the coming greater Israel foretold to come in the Bible. However, this does not rule out the possibility that a Mideast peace accord might be achieved, but it will be short lived. God has plans for those countries surrounding Israel who seek to eliminate (curse) the Jews, homestead the Holy Land, and control Jerusalem, and He will carry it out according to his timetable.

Ezekiel 28:24-26 declares that Mideast peace is achieved through a series of judgments forthcoming upon Israel’s neighboring enemies. These judgments employ military rather than political means to resolve the present conflict. I write about how these judgments are executed through the might of today’s Israeli Defense Forces in my book Isralestine, The Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East.

Taking all the above into consideration, the present political attempts to craft a lasting peace between the Israelis and Palestinians are most likely doomed to fail. One has to wonder what the dignitaries are smoking in their peace pipe that causes them to think they can negotiate around Israel's primary enemies listed above. Thus, the Washington meeting will probably prove to be nothing more than a smoke screen. Mideast matters are rooted deep into the ideologies of Zionism and Palestinianism and there is no quick one to ten - year fix likely to resolve the present Arab – Israeli conflict.